I have great pleasure in welcoming you to The Hollybrook Schools and hope that by investigating this website, you will appreciate why we are so proud of our schools. Everyone here plays an important role in our success and achievements and by reading further, I hope that you will also want to become part of this fantastic learning community.
The Hollybrook Schools is a federation of Hollybrook Infants, a small, two form entry infant school, and Hollybrook Juniors, a two form entry junior school, who work very closely together to provide the children with a safe, caring and stimulating environment. Both schools are well resourced with a talented and enthusiastic staff and a warm, friendly ethos, being highly inclusive and valuing diversity. Within this caring environment, we aim to nurture the spirit of independent learning, to maintain the highest educational standards and to ensure that our children enjoy their primary years and develop as well-rounded and happy children. Expectations of behaviour, attainment and progress are high. Our motto of Dream, Believe, Achieve and Care permeates all that we do – we want the children to dream big, believe in themselves, achieve to the best of their ability and care about others, their community and the world around them.
Our children take pride in the Hollybrook Schools and we firmly believe in the importance of pupil voice as a way of engaging with the community and ensuring the best outcomes for our children.
We are also very proud to be part of the Hamwic Education Trust which enables us to work in partnership with other local schools to ensure we can be the best we can be for our children.
We have a real desire to continually improve and strongly believe that education is a partnership between home and school; we encourage parents and carers to become involved in the development of their children and we have an open door policy should you wish to discuss any issues or concerns you may have. We look forward to working with you to nurture your child’s talents and passions! Join us on our journey!
If you would like to see our school in session, please contact the school office.
We look forward to meeting you.
Marcella Dobson