The Hollybrook Schools are committed to safeguarding and the welfare of children and they require all staff, volunteers, contractors and visitors to share this commitment.
Our safeguarding team:
At The Hollybrook Schools we believe it is really important to teach how to keep themselves and others safe and forms a key part of our curriculum. The children regularly take part in learning through assemblies and classroom teaching which focuses on how to keep safe in different situations. Some of the areas we cover in our curriculum are:
- E-safety
- Awareness of bullying and peer on peer abuse
- How to keep safe with adults children do not know- ‘Clever Never Goes’ programme
- How to keep our body and minds healthy
- How to keep safe in emergency situations such as when there is a fire
- NSPCC PANTS (The Underwear Rule)
We teach these through many different ways in our curriculum:
- Assemblies
- Direct teaching
- Philosophy for Children
- Healthy school days
- Daily mile and mindfulness through the Healthy School’s award
- Topics such as ‘People Who Help Us’, ‘Cyber Safety’- introducing the new Reception to ‘safe’ people in school
- Local community representatives to support the curriculum such as Community Police, Fire Safety etc
- Links with NSPCC
As a school, we work closely with parents so they can be supported to follow up messages given in school about keeping safe with their children. Below are some links to resources and information for parents:
- Clever Never Goes links for parents:
- E-safety links:
- NSPCC PANTS information for parents:
All concerns are reported to the relevant agencies. We follow Southampton City Council's policies and procedures, copies of which are available on our website or from the school office.
If you have a concern about sexual abuse of online grooming, this should be reported directly using the link below.
If you are concerned about a child and would like to pass your concerns on to a Designated Safeguarding Lead, please complete the form below and we will respond to your concerns.
Safeguarding Concern
If it is out of school hours and you are concerned about a child, you can contact Southampton Children's Services by phoning: 023 8083 3004
You can also contact the NSPCC Freephone Child Protection Helpline on: 080 8800 5000
Please find our Safeguarding leaflet and Policies here:
Please see the Safeguarding Resources tab for useful leaflets and additional information about aspects of safeguarding.
Safety and Security
Your child’s safety is our number one priority. For this reason we ask for your help in these ways:
Maintain up to date contact information
We need to know how to reach you or a person named by you who will care for your child if an emergency were to arise. Please ensure you complete the contact form promptly and pass it back to the office.
We will always try and contact you if we feel that your child needs urgent medical attention.
Please always contact the office to make changes and update any contact details.
Follow Our Procedure for Visitors
For security reasons we ask that all parents, carers and visitors use the main entrance at the Infant School to enable them to report to reception.
For fire safety reasons, all parents, carers and visitors staying in the building for any length of time will be asked to sign in on arrival and sign out when leaving the building. All visitors are required to wear a visitor’s badge whilst they are on site so that the children know you are not a stranger.
Follow Our Health and Safety Procedures
Please note that the car parks on both the Infant and the Junior School sites are for staff only. If you feel that you need access to one of the disabled bays, please contact the school office for a permit. Please also do not park on the zigzag markings outside the school entrances. The perfect place to park is at the Sports Centre and walk from there to school as this helps to avoid a lot of the congestion we have around the roads near school and makes the journey safer for everyone.
Parents, carers and children should not be on the school playground before 8.25am unless they are attending Sunshine Club. Parents and carers are responsible for supervising their children on the playground until the doors are opened; 8.40 for the Infant School and 8.45 for the Junior School.
Bikes and scooters are allowed, and there is storage outside the Infant School at the front, or round by Little Berries Pre-school. Please can you ensure that children walk their bikes and scooters through the playgrounds and whilst on site and that balls are not used before or after school on the playground. This is because we have lots of younger siblings and Little Berries children using the site.
Dogs must not be brought onto the school site, with the exception of Lyra, our therapy dog.
There is a No Smoking Policy at all times within the school building and grounds. Smoking (including e-cigarettes) is not permitted anywhere on the school premises.
Illegal drugs and alcohol should not be brought onto the school site.
Please do not send any nuts or nut products to school as we have several children with a very severe allergic reaction.