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The Hollybrook Schools




The Governors of our schools are a dedicated, committed and enthusiastic group of people that seek to ensure that we are providing the best standards of care, teaching and learning opportunities for all the children across the Hollybrook Schools.


The Governors of the Hollybrook Schools have a strong skill set and work pro-actively and co-operatively with the Headteacher and staff to improve outcomes for all children across the schools. A strategic approach is taken for all new appointments to ensure that a balance of key skills within the Governing Body is maintained.


The Role of the Governor


Governors have a strategic overview of the schools that encompasses finance, the curriculum, health and safety and safeguarding. 


Governors perform a crucial role in ensuring public money is being spent to advantage all children and that the school adheres to all local and national requirements.  Governors review school data and ask questions about outcomes and value for money.  They ensure that the school provides a broad and balanced curriculum and that there are enrichment opportunities for all pupils.  They work with senior leaders to monitor standards across the curriculum. 

Our Governors


Jenny Devine

Co-opted governor

Jenny is new to school governing, coming to it with a background in marketing and business development and as a company director of a graphic design agency for the past for 11 years. Jenny studied music at Southampton University and has two children both attending Hollybrook. Jenny says “My time spent in education was a good experience and I feel like it is my duty to support the school and its community, so all the children at Hollybrook have the best experience they can during theirs.”

Katherine Prieto

Parent governor (SEND)

Katie is new to being a governor, but as a speech and language therapist working with schools around the Southampton area, comes to it with great work experience and knowledge in working with SEND children. Katie has three children all of whom have or are currently attending Hollybrook. Katie decided to become a governor because ‘I want to support the school community. I believe having a positive school experience makes a huge difference to children. I want to support the school to ensure every child at Hollybrook has this experience.”

Lucy Bray

Co-opted community governor

Lucy grew up in Southampton attending a local school before moving out of the area. After completing her teaching degree in Worcester, Lucy began her teaching career in a Southampton Infant School. Lucy has been a governor at three schools she has worked in and is currently Head of a Primary school. Having worked in education for over 20 years Lucy says she has experienced both the best and worst of Governance. I hope to use the skills I have developed to support the school in gaining the best outcomes for all children."

Mark Chaloner

Parent governor (Chair)

Mark has been in Southampton since 2004 and was a City Councillor representing Shirley Ward for just under 10 years as well as acting for part of that time as Cabinet Member for Children’s Safeguarding and Cabinet Member for Finance. Mark is also a Governor of another School. By day he is a family lawyer and cares deeply about children’s welfare and governance to support this.

Mark has three children currently at the Hollybrook Schools. Mark wanted to become a Governor and put himself forward as Chair because: ‘I want every local child to achieve their full potential. The Hollybrook Schools are committed to that aspiration and I hope to do my part in supporting the Staff and community in championing our children’.

Rhys Fehners

Co-opted governor (Safeguarding / Vice chair)

Rhys is our vice chair and is also the nominated governor overseeing Safeguarding across the schools. He has two children currently in the Infant school and has lived in Southampton since 2007. Rhys has previous experience of being a governor and is Assistant Headteacher at a local secondary school. With 22 years of educational experience, Rhys says ‘I am passionate that every young person is afforded the very best education and experiences available to them. I believe that through governance, I can help support the school in achieving the best for all the young people in their care.”

Tim Webber

Co-opted community governor

Tim is a Headteacher of a school in Totton and has lived in Southampton for 18 years. Tim has previous experience of being a school governor and says about his reasons for being at governor at Hollybrook,

“I am passionate about the power of education to transform lives and I want to support a local school in doing just this for the community it serves.”


Roles and Terms of Office



Governor Type

Term From

Term To


Lucy Bray

Co-opted governor

01 Sep 2022

31 Aug 2026

Link Governor for Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

Safer Recruitment

Mark Chaloner

Parent governor

01 Sep 2022

31 Aug 2026

Chair of Governors

Designated contact for allegations against the headteacher

Link Governor for Health & Safety

Jenny Devine

Co-opted governor

01 Sep 2022

31 Aug 2026

Link Governor for Wellbeing

Marcella Dobson





Rhys Fehners

Co-opted governor

01 Sep 2022

31 Aug 2026

Vice Chair

Link Governor for Safeguarding

Safer Recruitment

Katie Prieto

Parent governor

01 Sep 2022

31 Aug 2026

Link Governor for Special Educational Needs (SEND)

Tim Webber

Co-opted governor

01 Sep 2022

31 Aug 2026

Link Governor for Pupil Premium Grant (PPG), Disadvantaged pupils, Looked After/Post Looked After pupils (LAC/PLAC)

Safer Recruitment

Register of Interests









Marcella Dobson




Confirmed: 08/10/2023

No Limits Charity

Other governance role

I am a Trustee at No Limits in Southampton



Lisa Alderslade

Staff governor

Confirmed: 12/01/2024






Lucy Bray

Co-opted governor


Confirmed: 09/11/2023

Oakfield Academy

Other governance role

Ex Officio



Mark Chaloner

Parent governor


Confirmed: 15/01/2024

42 Bedford Row

Self-employed Barrister




Confirmed: 15/01/2024

King Edward VI School





Confirmed: 15/01/2024

Maidenhead Synagogue

p/t Religion School Teacher




Confirmed: 15/01/2024

DMH Stallard


Occupation of Malky Chaloner - my Wife



Confirmed: 15/01/2024


Appointed Recorder (p/t Judge)




Jenny Devine

Co-opted governor


Confirmed: 07/09/2023

Death or Glory Design Ltd

Company Director




Rhys Fehners

Co-opted governor

(Parent of Hollybrook pupil)


Confirmed: 25/04/2023

Cantell School

Assistant Headteacher

Harriet Fehners - Wife’s employment



Confirmed: 25/04/2023

Cantell School

Assistant Headteacher




Confirmed: 25/04/2023

Swaythling Primary School

LEA Governor




Katie Prieto

Parent governor

Confirmed: 18/01/2024

Royal College of Speech and Language Therapist s





Confirmed: 18/01/2024

Health Care Professions Council





Tim Webber

Co-opted governor


Confirmed: 04/02/2024

Testwood School


Employee since 2017, Headteacher since September 2023



Confirmed: 04/02/2024



Union for school leaders



Confirmed: 04/02/2024

Nick Webber Trust


Charity focused on improving lives in Malawi





If you wish to make contact with the Governing Board, please use the contact form below or use the email given here:


Governors email: 

Governing Board
